Nikon TW2 - Dual Lens Charm from the 1980’s
Automatic Exposure from the 1960’s
Two Choices.
The Nikon TW2 (Tele-Touch) offers two focal lengths, 35mm and 70mm. There is no in-between settings, you have two choices, 35mm and 70mm. Thankfully, those lengths where chosen well, those are two pretty robust focal lengths.
That being said, that limitation, comes with some advantages. I find myself shooting more creatively when I have a prime lens on an SLR, or I’ve just packed two primes in my bag. The lack of stepless zooming, forces you to move your feet, which, for me at the very least, leads to better results.
80’s Soft Focus.
Shoulder pads, big hair, and soft focus. Twist the lens, and a soft focus filter engages, and you can take shots with all the 1980’s charm you could ever want. You get wonderful ghostly highlights, and a dream like hazy image. The example shots show an image, with and without the filter. I would say that colour photography is probably a better option for using the soft filter, but you get the idea.
A rail bridge, without the soft focus filter.
And with the soft focus filter, dreamy and angelic.