Aerial Burrator Reservoir Panorama, Autumn, Dartmoor
An aerial shot of the Burrator reservoir taken early in the morning, as the foliage turns to its autumnal orange.
Burrator has always been a favourite of mine, easy to access from Plymouth, and large enough to never get that busy. The morning I took this it was cool and crisp, and the early morning mist was just starting to be driven off by the rising sun.
An aerial shot of the Burrator reservoir taken early in the morning, as the foliage turns to its autumnal orange.
Burrator has always been a favourite of mine, easy to access from Plymouth, and large enough to never get that busy. The morning I took this it was cool and crisp, and the early morning mist was just starting to be driven off by the rising sun.
An aerial shot of the Burrator reservoir taken early in the morning, as the foliage turns to its autumnal orange.
Burrator has always been a favourite of mine, easy to access from Plymouth, and large enough to never get that busy. The morning I took this it was cool and crisp, and the early morning mist was just starting to be driven off by the rising sun.